I have covered some topics on why evolution is both wrong and dumb, but tonight, I would like to summarize why it is dangerous: particularly tying in with Satanism. I’m willing to bet that no one in the country or out can answer these statements about these horrifying people who also believed in evolutionism. … Read More »
Evolutionary Theory: “Numerology with Creation and the Bible” Part 2 by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “Numerology with Creation and the Bible” Part 1 by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “Operation Satnism (Westcott and Hort)” Part 3 by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “Operation Satanism” Part 2 by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “Operation Satanism” Part 1 by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “Archaeopteryx” (2) by Randy J. Barmore
The “fossil record” contains a bird named Archaeopteryx. Now I agree it’s a strange little bird, but I don’t think this the first bird ever. I will demolish it with 16 reasons why Archee is a bird, not a reptile, and 3 reasons why it’s a deliberate fraud, a hoax.
Evolutionary Theory: “The Big Bang & Stellar Evolution” Part 2 by Randy J. Barmore
Being the second part of this lecture on the stupidity of the Big Bang and stellar evolution, I will slaughter the teaching completely. by Randy J. Barmore
Evolutionary Theory: “The Big Bang & Stellar Evolution” Part 1 by Randy J. Barmore
Now I’ll cover a topic from evolutionary theory that is the first in most public school textbooks: the Big Bang Theory. If you randomly told someone this stupid fairy tale, they would think you were nuttier than a fruit cake, but if you teach this in a science class, and use long, scientific, brainwashing terms… Read More »
Evolutionary Theory: “Age of the Earth” Part 3 by Randy J. Barmore
There are never too many proofs, because this is my fourth session and my third recording that murders the universe being any older than 6,000 years old. by Randy J. Barmore